Choosing the right ski

Finding the right length of skis when buying or renting can be the difference in how good it is on the slopes. So, how long should my skis be? There are lots of different factors to consider, but one factor that, after all, means more than all the others is weight. There is schedules online that you can check out. Other things that you need to consider when looking for the right ski is what skill level you have, and if you are skiing fast or slow. If you want to know more about this, you can check out Freeride. They have a lot of good stuff about skiing.

During the old days, long skis were common

In the past, before carving skis made their entrance, it was a great prestige to have the longest skis, preferably 20-30 cm longer than one's length. In the cabin lift, many people put their skis on top of the slalom jumps to make them look even longer! However, with the birth of the carving ski (in the 90's) this has changed, and a rule of thumb now says that beginners should choose a ski between the chest and chin and a more used skier to the nose. What revolutionized the ski market was that instead of making perfectly straight skis, they now began to make them hourglass-shaped. So wider front and back than the middle. It is also said that carving skis have a waist which makes them easier when you are turning.

11 Oct 2019